Virtually all of Tomorrow A Child's staff volunteer their time and energy to help couples achieve their dreams.

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"); } if(((($liame) && strstr($liame,"@") && strstr($liame,"."))||($RequireEmail=='0')) && ($totaltime>='2')){ if($InsertDB == 1) { $newid = insert($Name,$Home_Phone,$Cell_Phone,$Fax,$Best_Time,$liame,$City,$Comments,$category,$http_referrer,$ip); } sendEMail($emailto,$subject,$Name,$Home_Phone,$Cell_Phone,$Fax,$Best_Time,$liame,$City,$Comments,$category,$http_referrer,$ip,$newid); message('Thank you.

Your information has been submitted.'); }else{ echo '

There was an error submitting this form. Please contact our office. (TT-'.$totaltime.')

'; } break; default : showFrm(); } function showFrm() { ?>
Home Phone:*
Cell Phone:
Best Time to be Reached:
Email Address:*
City, State:
"); return; } function message($message) { echo "


"; } ?>


© Copyright 2025; All rights reserved.         Tomorrow a Child is a recognized and certified 501c3 charity organization.